Inderscience Research Picks for 2023
- Happy journalists tell a positive sporting tale
- Mobiles and memory
- Lunching larks and driver fatigue
- Screen-printed pesticide detection
- Algorithm takes on photographic motion blur
- Parklife’s mental health benefits come into focus
- Artificial intelligence for digital marketing
- Social media likes and follower networks
- Analysing the Nobel Prize in Economics
- Balancing security and usability in mobile
- Labelling boost for wine and beer sales
- AI advances healthcare
- Flower power boosts wind power
- Retaining bankers
- Unlearning and forgetting
- Leading innovation
- A happy workforce, is a productive workforce
- Flushed with success: IoT cleans up lavatorial hygiene
- Is pretty good, good enough?
- Improving knowledge management
- Nuanced retail pricing
- A different kind of peer pressure
- Encouraging the affordable innovators
- Entrepreneurial adventures in India
- Indonesia’s Village Fund program and the dynamics of rural poverty
- HRM by AI
- Algorithm advances uncompromising covert communication
- Energy meter boost
- Oil can grow on trees
- Travelling to atone
- Machine learning in the maritime environment
- A new recipe for clinical nutrition using social networking
- Pandemic preparedness
- The heat is on in the airport lounge
- Catering for entrepreneurial refugees
- Wing design takes flight
- Green ammonia for the hydrogen economy
- AI tackles the ABCD of skin cancer
- The long and short of music recommendation
- AI data fusion boosts sustainability
- Students simulate a meteoric rise
- Dealing with space debris
- Cross-cultural social media effects
- Sleepless in IT
- Bail the bait and switch, avoid ambiguous advertising
- Righting the digital wrongs
- Waste not, want not
- Synthetic tape flagged as unsustainable
- Building resilience in the face of crises and climate
- A borrower and a lender be
- Brand cancellation
- Eye, eye
- Double-edged methane emissions
- On yer bike!
- Internationalisation from the Great Wall to Wall Street
- Assessing wearable assessments
- Musical emotion detector
- Startup selection, success, and sustainability
- Indie music and mental health
- A new framework for Product-Service Systems
- At the end of the road, EV batteries have no particular place to go
- Dynamic BLOB adjustment gives cloud computing a 96% efficiency boost
- Where have all the flowers gone?
- Self-cleaning solar panels
- Balancing social missions with profitability
- Student security study
- Assessing and addressing academic burnout
- Surprising influences on employee intention to quit
- Hybrid approach recognises human activity
- Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be
- Benign envy and influencer marketing
- Crowd deliveries
- A multi-faceted approach to improve Alzheimer’s diagnosis
- Unhooking phishing threats
- Global effort needed to combat corruption and recover stolen assets
- Data mining the dangers of self-medication
- Fraud vulnerability – the charity case
- Squirrelling away nutritional information
- How to spot depression on social media
- Driving the Digital Silk Road
- The Internet of Things reviewed
- Optimising gesture recognition system design
- Safeguarding the workplace
- Predicting financial crises in e-commerce
- Reshuffling shipping
- India battles toxic air
- Avoiding big trouble in little coffee shops
- Inept interfaces intensify technophobia
- A puzzling approach to encryption
- Just a jealous buy
- No tap water radon risk for schoolchildren
- Supply-chain resilience strategies
- Here comes the flood
- Building blocs for diverse investment
- Robotic fire escape
- Digging into the benefits of landfill mining
- Mopping up amitriptyline to treat overdose
- Risk in emerging markets – for beta or for worse
- Gym bunnies get fit to the beat
- Making smart city infrastructure watertight in Vietnam
- A logical solution to the logistical last mile – passengers and parcels
- SMEs can’t afford to chill in the face of heatwaves
- Keeping emergency field hospitals cyber secure
- In logins we trust
- Microfinance to power up the vulnerable sustainably
- Recruiting digital twins to fix the factory
- Predicting pandemics with machine learning
- Yoga offers a mindful boost to business
- Enterprise resource planning systems boost business
- Algorithm helps robots avoid accidents
- What defines good governance?
- Pumping up biodiesel with biogas
- Apps double up elementary language learning
- Moving out of the pandemic shadows
- Move along, move along, aren’t these the sites you’re looking for?
- The trade-off between financial relevance and reliability
- A time to live, a time to buy
- Managing the curve of economic distance
- AI sees through biological sex using dental X-rays
- AI fuses CT and MRI scans for better diagnostics
- Innovative accountants use hi-tech but keep the human touch
- Defining the unexplainable in artificial intelligence
- Indigenous entrepreneurs
- Relationships for managerial success go beyond demographics
- A framework for weighing up innovation
- Zooming in on Gen Z’s online shopping list
- AI turns over a new leaf and bears fruit in agriculture
- A bee line for predicting road traffic accidents
- Sentimental movie analysis spots fake reviews
- Detecting deviators from the norm
- How green is your t-shirt?
- Online food
- Avoiding bird nest powercuts
- In debt to fashion
- Just how FAIR are your digital, scientific resources?
- Blogging influencers could be music to a marketeer’s ears
- What’s up Whatsapp? Cracking evidence from messenger apps
- An energy-saving dimmer switch for streetlighting
- Booting up artificial personality in AI systems
- Patient, heal thyself! With the help of bioinformatics
- Introverted leaders in the spotlight
- Seeding food security in rural Burkina Faso
- SSA economies cleared for takeoff with grounded governance
- Island life and obesity
- Closing the loop on circular economics
- Recycling children: Teaching youngsters to follow a sustainable path
- A spoonful of tech delivers food industry boost
- Greener concrete from waste glass
- Nudging towards smartphone recycling
- Detecting distracted drivers
- Unleashing your emotional ties: Software picks your next emoji
- Small molecules might offer a fruity answer to COVID-19
- Improved algorithm plots faster escape routes
- Don’t cry for me Pingtan Island
- Remedy needed for nursing no-shows
- Positive stress leads to service success
- Cleaning up smart home security
- Acer: Legends of the fall
- Put another record on…
- Chew on that: Edible cutlery on the menu
- Understanding vaccine hesitancy driven by social media in India
- Influencer emotional connection nudges social media followers
- Honing the 3 Vs of big data in medicine – volume, variety, and velocity
- Search engine optimisation
- Shipping Turkish talent
- Weathering the poverty trap
- Exergy boost for energy drink
- Better shipping with machine learning
- Compressed industrial energy savings
- Machine learning predicts water quality
- AI unmasks PPE failures
- A gesture towards managing phantom limb pain
- Smarter farming in the developing world via the Internet of Things
- Nanotech offers a boost to agriculture
- Privacy in the cloud
- A life-long educational lifeline
- Emotional intelligence makes the virtual team work
- Brand-selfies
- Will AI be sinister or singular?
- Road traffic accidents and mobile phone addiction
- AI disentangles quantum patents
- A slimline tonic for the pharma industry
- Beyond the Bucks: supporter recognition is key to crowdfunding success
- Social media impact on government policy
- Finding your feet on civvy street: navigating a second career after military service
- Seeing greenwashing companies true colours
- The dark side of relationship marketing
- Machine learning predicts suicide risk in patients with anxiety and stress
- A baby boon for pre-termers: the LED baby-warmer
- Can mindfulness boost self-esteem for social media addicts?
- Declassifying the best things in life
- A bit like a bridge under troubled water
- Virtual visits: the doctor will screen you now
- Underwater acoustic wireless communication
- Take note!
- Opting for organic
- Finding the fakers
- Sound security
- Indian climate investment volatility during COVID-19
- Businesses encouraging shopper loyalty
- Funding higher education in SSA
- The power of footfall: harvesting energy from human traffic
- Time to step up – Compassionate volunteers needed in migrant education
- Fast-moving shoppers
- Learning and working online: Insights from a pandemic
- COVID control: a global study
- Protecting the Internet of Things from botnets is nothing to sniff at
- Linking leadership to employee ingenuity
- Intelligent lighting
- A paradigm shift in paradigm shifts
- Banking on ambidextrous employees
- Masking for a friend? Just checking!
- A smart approach to health
- Understanding international migration law
- Promoting privacy for camera-based assistive tech
- Framing artistic style with AI
- Be kind to bees, build with bee bricks
- Society and technology fuel each other to feed progress
- Probing the genetics of autoimmune disease
- Waste not, want not – Developing power
- Review reveals research gaps in healthcare and technology studies
- Efficient identification of abnormalities in power distribution data
- A positive attitude and support are key to successful entrepreneurship among Ghanaian youth
- Social networks point the way to your next holiday hotspot
- Six steps to safer pandemic waste disposal
- Tiny army marches on compost: How soldier fly larvae could reduce food waste
- Plants rock heavy metal pollution
- Eco-tourism: a win-win-win for visitors, locals, and nature
- Bagging and boosting your way to a spam-free inbox
- Mix and match for migrant integration
- Three ingredients for cooking up entrepreneurial success
- Going the extra mile to boost interest in electric cars