I created a “word cloud” from the titles of this year’s Research Picks as I did in 2021. The word cloud app ignores noise words and then displays the words used in the titles with their relative size reflecting how common those words are in the list. As you can topics related to COVID-19 are common once again, but other standouts are media, social media, waste, blockchain, music, networking, education, data, learning, privacy. The full list of 2022 Research Picks is reproduced below.
- Send it back
- Overturning overweight stereotypes
- Cryogenic electric
- Cyber terror
- Food delivery apps
- A prescription for online pharmacies
- Push the button
- Insect identification
- An app for rice disease ID
- The downside of overfunding
- Clicks and mortar
- ASMR alerts for older adults
- Wearable fitness devices
- Making better photos
- Digital payback for the generation gap
- Music as diplomatic food for thought
- Transport solutions for health
- Job satisfaction and the work-life balance
- Better biodiesel
- Safer touch with antiviral coatings
- Detecting stress and anxiety in a pandemic
- Machine learning offers older folks the healthy drinks option
- Platoon driving not such a drag
- The human face of cybersecurity
- Don’t eat the yellow snow
- What a difference a dayflower makes
- Is football coming home?
- PERMA work
- Down on the farm? There’s an app for that
- That’s entertainment
- The age of the plastic hip op
- Recycling and repurposing plastic waste
- The road ahead
- Nanofuels for take off
- Hazardous chemicals knowledge graph
- Music and sleep
- Modelling COVID-19 restrictions
- Modelling crash risk
- Infrared and drunk
- Honeybee helpers on the wind farm
- Predicting the pandemic path with Google Trends
- Finding COVID-19 fake news
- Managing mindfulness
- Thai tourists’ travel thinking
- Migrant lockdown
- Filtering fake news
- Breaking the vicious cycle of human trafficking in India
- Sustainable digitalisation
- Yet another industrial revolution
- Spread the risk
- Building a better bra
- Sex sells, but…
- COVID-19 and environmental, social, and governance investment
- Science using smartphone downtime
- Remote learning in Central African Republic
- 2G or not 2G? That is the question!
- Road trauma pack to benefit developing world
- Social media travel journalism
- Reporting attacks
- Sidestepping chemophobia
- Spicing up the saffron industry
- 400x faster plagiarism detection
- Share and share alike
- How to train doctors in a pandemic
- The personality of social media users
- Ha Noi rocks electronic waste
- Chaotic image encryption
- Better biotransformations
- Project fear
- Spotting the Spanish-speaking cyberbullies
- Amusing and authentic advertisers
- Mental health framework
- Volatile forensics
- Cleaning up social media
- World of soil
- Networking virus detectors
- Better Bollywood nights
- Journalists trusting websites
- Recruiting Nigerian Facebook users
- A flock of seagulls improves edge computing
- Can academics ever truly retire?
- Australian international education
- Securing a demographic in a pandemic
- Streaming to the cinema show
- Platforming startups
- Machine learning for pharma
- Managing climate disaster
- Privacy and data mining
- Algorithmic pest control
- The daily grind of the rumour mill
- Finding at-risk students
- An algorithm that lifts the veil
- Digital fraud in the pandemic world
- Digital wallets on the move
- The Mediterranean landscape
- Social media paranoia
- Online finances in a pandemic
- Donation dilemma
- Home work
- Digital twins down on the farm
- Processing social media with fuzzy logic
- Will we ever smash the glass ceiling?
- Digital banking in India
- The digital backpacker
- The greatest gift that we possess?
- Chairperson of the Board
- Electricity from fruit and vegetable waste, just add cow dung
- The problem of hospital wastewater
- Here comes the sun
- Rolling privacy into collaborative tools
- Image encryption with DNA
- Social networking anxiety
- Insta karma
- Educational work-life balance
- Taxing animals
- Contact tracing privacy
- Stitching up the modern Silk Road
- Racing through English
- Learning to combat DDOS attacks
- Neural network diagnoses heart disease
- Financial intelligence
- Mindful healthworkers in a pandemic
- Predicting pandemic progression
- Remote learning prep
- Green performance and education
- Artificial intelligence in the automotive industry
- A model of sustainable healthcare
- The pandemic in The Gulf
- Electronic word-of-mouth
- SME crisis management
- The Polygons of Fraud
- Climate communication
- How to quit smoking online
- P2P blockchain to combat fake news
- Controlling the location trackers
- Bag of words interprets online reviews
- Finer fast-food
- WhatsApp and physiotherapy
- Detecting the cyberbullies
- Lightning prediction
- A hard rain’s a-gonna fall
- Early prediction of diabetes
- The cost of clouds
- Detecting drug-drug interactions
- Musical algorithm classifies classics
- Investor personalities via Twitter
- Closer to the entrepreneurial heart
- Smart assisted living for older adults
- Analysing big data
- Predicting population
- Resurrecting restaurants after the pandemic
- Sweet lime oils defeat pests
- Tackling workplace bullying
- Entrepreneurship eases ethnic equation
- The gig inequality
- Dairy waste to fight cancer
- The eyes have it
- Antiviral ventilation
- Breaking the bottlenecks for Indian start-ups
- Improving virtual shopping
- How do you know music was my first love?
- Finding a match on social media
- Correcting COVID-19 misinformation
- Networking COVID-19
- Storytime marketing to millennials
- COVID-19 and eating habits
- Over-stimulating animated advertising
- COVID life and death in Brazil
- Modelling superspreader events
- When social irresponsibility goes viral
- Luxury brands and COVID-19
- Figuring out academic plagiarism
- Developing music streaming
- Higher education from home
- COVID19 and the Purchasing Managers’ Index
- Biological solution to electronic problems
- Farming and climate studies
- Detecting distributed denial of service attacks
- What a load of rubbish!
- Driving electric vehicle purchases
- New media art goes public
- Scrum to tackle musical concerts
- Legal indifference to refugees
- Growing low-hanging fruit
- It’s sheep we’re up against
- The drug war on COVID-19
- Deep learning COVID-19 diagnosis
- Your life out of their hands
- Recycling synthetic textiles
- Mobile learning in a pandemic
- Adaptive headlights
- Blockchain blocks identity theft
- Watch with teacher
- Long-tail music recommendation
- Are you having a laugh?
- Blockchain contracts to build botnets
- The name of the game: manipulation
- Biodiesel from wild castor oil
- How to manage electric vehicles
- Turning over a diseased leaf
- Creativity 4.0 and digital collaboration
- Opportunistic editorial networks
- Music analysis appreciation
- Big data in healthcare
- Gamifying the disaster response
- Understanding startup ecosystems
- Riding a pandemic white swan
- A new age in advertising
- Cleaning up without greenwashing
- Copyright, databases, and streaming
- Customised cushions for wheelchairs
- The Gita as pandemic guide
- Interactive pop songs
- Video recognition of yoga postures
- Zen and the art of virtual reality maintenance
- Entrepreneurs and COVID-19
- Satisfying social workers
- Multinational enterprises adapting to COVID-19
- Accessible social media analysis
- Electronic waste goes supercritical
- Natural additives improve biodegradable plastics
- Classifying art in a trice
- Low-road from the danger zone
- Controlling tremor, hand in glove
- Big social data
- Social media contact tracing
- Fake news alert
- The sexual harassment of Generation Z
- Cloud computing and copyright
- COVID-19 teams and education
- Big in Japan
- Sorting out smart data
- Made in China
- myEntropy reveals file type
- Modelling the spread of viruses
- Cybersecurity among SMEs in Africa
- Climate change and COVID-19
- Investing in COVID-19
- Digital music
- Developing artificial emotional intelligence