Chocolate IS Good For You!

The New Scientist reports on a Finnish study that seems to show consumption of chocolate by pregnant mothers makes for happier babies. The BBC adds a more cautionary note: “Nigel Denby of the British Dietetic Association […] warned mums-to-be against over-indulging in chocolate. ”

The lead researcher Karti Raikonnen of the Dept. of Psychology with the University of Helsinki, has done previous work on the psychology of well-being, relating to risk factors for heart disease. So does the stress relief from chocolate consumption make up for the risks from extra fat?

2 thoughts on “Chocolate IS Good For You!”

  1. chocolate makes for happier mommies, too :-).  And daddies.

    I could live if I never ate another greasy French fry, but don’t take away my chocolate.  It’s the 2nd best thing in my world.

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