Califonia Set To Label French Fries As Carcinogenic

Now that it has been discovered in the food supply, California scientists are reassessing the risks of acrylamide. The Attorney General’s Office has urged caution, saying too little is known about the dangers to people.

Nonetheless, private attorneys have filed a flurry of lawsuits, alleging that food vendors from McDonald’s and Burger King to KFC and Wendy’s should be warning the public about acrylamide. If the lawyers prevail, California could end up with warnings in countless restaurants and grocery stores saying that french fries and other foods with acrylamide might cause cancer.

Since the discovery of acrylamide in food two years ago, researchers around the world have detected it in dozens of foods. By some estimates, it might be present in as much as 40 percent of the food people eat. But it is particularly prevalent in starchy foods such as potato chips and french fries, which are so popular that the average American gulps down 28 pounds a year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

One thought on “Califonia Set To Label French Fries As Carcinogenic”

  1. I love it! Next they’ll tell us that coffee get get us high!

    MMMMMMMMMMMM, expresso!

    Seriously though, it seems like everything is bad for us these days, according to the scientists. Eggs, butter, sugar, bread, are we supposed to live off soybeans or something? Or how about that “mung”?

    If its all the same to y’all, I’ll continue to eat chocolate, and Mom’s beefstew and homemade bread.

    Homecooked food rocks!!

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