A logical approach to technology, design, and business

Software development is a fast-paced environment where it is easy to get lost in the code and lose sight of the bigger picture. Research in the International Journal of Agile Systems and Management looks at how design, technology, and business might work more effectively together to help in the development of digital platforms, particularly for small and medium-sized manufacturers in Europe.

Diana Chronéer, Mari Runardotter, and Jeaneth Johansson of Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, describe the frameworks, or logics, that represent different ways of thinking. A clearer understanding of these logics can be used to guide different aspects of development in terms of the technology, the service, and the design logic. Each logic has its own priorities, but the researchers suggest that the key to success is ensuring that all three work synergistically. Achieving this synergy is, of course, easier said than done.

The team explains that the technological logic revolves around the working details of software development, the writing of code, the addition of new features, and the squashing of bugs. This logic, the team suggests, is the engine of agile development in this context, driving incremental progress and flexibility and allowing the developers to fine tune a system to meet new demands.

The demands of the design logic are entirely different. It homes in on the user experience (UX) and aims to ensure that platforms are intuitive, accessible, and effective for the people who have to use them. Design logic is user-focused and considers the wants, the needs, and the behaviour of users, which can then determine the look and feel of the platform. However, there is often conflict between the design logic and the rapid cycles of technological development, where deadlines and technical constraints can take priority over a flawless UX.

The third logic, the service-dominant logic, focuses on the business aspects of development its currency is value exchange and in the world of business-to-business (B2B) platforms, this means boosting collaboration, sharing services, and adding mutual value. This logic nudges the developers to think beyond the technology or the UX to see how the platform will improve the company’s bottom line.

Balancing these three logics is thus key to success. A team that focuses too much on the technology might develop a sound platform that is difficult to use. Conversely, an overemphasis on design might result in a platform that looks good but fails to address key business or technical needs.

The researchers propose a new logic, a new framework, “adaptive space” to help manage the three core logics. Adaptive space is a theoretical and practical approach designed to make the ongoing interplay between the three main aspects of development visible and manageable. It maps out the competing priorities of the three logics and emphasises regular reflection and co-creation, so that different perspectives are considered holistically.

The work suggests that a new approach is not simply about improving software, but about rethinking how we build technology in an era of rapid innovation. Software development in this new paradigm would be not purely a technical or design problem, but a sociotechnical process, a blending of human and technical elements working together.

Chronéer, D., Runardotter, M. and Johansson, J. (2024) ‘Logics alignment in agile software design processes’, Int. J. Agile Systems and Management, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp.1–31.