Do You Come Here Often?

Apparently, it’s UK National Orgasm Day on July 31 and as if to lend a helping hand, the 2008 Orgasm Survey ( was just published.

More than 2000 women shared their inner most feelings with the survey’s creators who now tell us that:

  • Nearly half of all women are not getting their fair share of orgasms
  • The G-spot is not a myth – 75% of women claim to have one
  • 25% don’t think they have a G-spot and this group rarely achieve orgasm
  • Women who claim to have a good pelvic floor have twice as many orgasms as those who don’t
  • 92% of women want to be shown how to exercise properly

  • 82% of women reported a much improved sex life within 4 weeks when they were shown how to exercise properly  using a resistance device.

Of course, it all turns out to be a rather creative publicity exercise to get free advertising for an exercise device that looks like a cross between a device for making your hair short & curly and an intimate vibrating massager (as they say in the ads). But, it does give SciScoop an excuse to mention orgasms, to wonder why the UK needs to have a national day for them, and how we’re going to explain all this to the kids when they get home from school.