Web 2.0 Answer to Baldness

Researchers have demonstrated recently which of your ancestors is responsible for men’s genetic probability of premature hair loss. By building your family tree you can pinpoint your personal chances of going bald and perhaps seek therapy or medical intervention earlier to reduce the rate of loss.

About four out of every five cases of male pattern baldness are inherited. Until now, scientists assumed that male baldness was passed down to men from their mother’s father. Recent findings have added another possibility: the inherited baldness is closely linked with genetic variations on two regions of chromosome 20. Thus, male baldness can be passed down from the female line of the family as well.

Building the family tree and uploading photographs of relatives on social family website itsourtree.com can now help men determine their probability of losing their hair. The free site offers a clear overview of male ancestors from both the female and the male line of the family in combination with the exact familial relationship. Early prediction and therapy may lead to better results and stronger hair.

It’s all a bit too late for me, I’m afraid, long gone are the flowing locks, although I do still thrash the old Les Paul when I get a chance!