Morning Banana Diet

The morning banana diet is spreading like a virus throughout the internet and the media and seems to have originated in Japan.

You cannot fail to have seen it mentioned at least once, somewhere, are you trying it?

But, I wonder…how could eating a piece of fruit in the morning then allow you to ingest as many calories as you like for the rest of the day and still lose weight?

According to, it doesn’t. It simply encourages you to concentrate more on what you eat and actually only claims to work for people at worst up to about 20kg overweight. But slightly worryingly, it seems to have an aspect built in that says you can eat something else for breakfast so long as it’s at least half an hour after the banana…hmmm…

The various forums discuss articles in Time and on MSNBC, but I’m yet to see a placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial on the subject.

2 thoughts on “Morning Banana Diet”

  1. I successfully lost weight eating a banana for breakfast with an accompanying coffee.  Of course I also switched to salads and cut out alcohol, chocolate, potato-based snack foods… and started exercising. There may, just possibly, be a connection.

  2. …despite the quasi-evidence that various blogs are touting for this diet, there is no physiological mechanism that can override the fact that more calories in and fewer calories burned translates to weight gain, whether you’re eating a morning banana, a grapefruit (remember *that* diet), or even a mango…

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