New Planets – In the Habitable Zone?

JPL reports on 5 new gas-giant planets, at least one of which weighs only slightly more than our Jupiter, and orbits at about the same distance from its star (which is similar to the Sun) as Earth. This comment at the “Habitable Zone” points to an interesting database of extrasolar planets, which refers to this new beast not as a “gas giant”, but as a “water giant”. Can you imagine a Jupiter-sized planet covered in water? These extra-solar planet discoveries are getting more and more interesting!

3 thoughts on “New Planets – In the Habitable Zone?”

  1. This is very cool. Just imagine the kind of life and and/or civilizations that could be there.

  2. In addition to HD 188015 b (171.56 Light Years) there are other similar habitable zone water giant planets.

    HD 108874 b
    HD 142415 b
    tau1 Gruis b
    HD 169830 c
    Gliese 876 c and b (very interesting system)
    109 Piscium b
    HD 28185 b (very interesting)
    HD 23079 b
    HD 142415 b
    HD 222582 b
    16 Cygni B b
    HD 4203 b
    HD 213240 b
    HD 45350 b
    HD 141937 b
    HD 82943 b
    HD 183263 b
    HD 190228 b
    HD 210277 b
    HD 38529 c
    HD 136118 b
    HD 114729 b
    HD 92788
    HD 65216 b
    mu Ara b
    mu Ara d (hot super earth in same system as water giant)
    HD 20367 b
    HD 147513 b
    HD 41004 A b (not labeled habitable zone but looks it)

    Lots of places to check out :-)

  3. In addition to HD 188015 b (171.56 Light Years) there are other similar habitable zone water giant planets.

    HD 108874 b

    HD 142415 b

    tau1 Gruis b

    HD 169830 c

    Gliese 876 c and b (very interesting system)

    109 Piscium b

    HD 28185 b (very interesting)

    HD 23079 b

    HD 142415 b

    HD 222582 b

    16 Cygni B b

    HD 4203 b

    HD 213240 b

    HD 45350 b

    HD 141937 b

    HD 82943 b

    HD 183263 b

    HD 190228 b

    HD 210277 b

    HD 38529 c

    HD 136118 b

    HD 114729 b

    HD 92788

    HD 65216 b

    mu Ara b

    mu Ara d (hot super earth in same system as water giant)

    HD 20367 b

    HD 147513 b

    HD 41004 A b (not labeled habitable zone but looks it)

    Lots of places to check out :-)

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