Loss Of Umbilical Cord Blood Causes Infant Cerebal Palsy?

SciScoop member katesisco writes:  Browsing the internet I found an interesting site called CordClamping.com that has to do with stem cells. The site is by a retired OB/GYN and it concerns the umbilical cord. The news that umbilical cord blood was the richest in stem cells made me take a look and this is what I found:

After WWII, medical professionals were induced to act to curtail the yellow appearance of newborns which the infusion of the iron-rich umbilical cord blood created. Although totally harmless, the iron-rich blood-induced jaundice frightened mothers who demanded a “cure.” The cure was to cut the umbilical cord before it had completed infusion the baby, less blood meaning less iron and therefore no jaundice. Of course, medical professionals had believed this infusion was “overly ample” so the small amount of blood kept from the baby would do no harm. Later, to prevent drugs circulating in the mother to keep the birth relatively pain free, the cord was cut early.

These reasons became standard practice and no one questioned the loss of the baby’s blood as being detrimental. No one, of course, except professionals who knew or suspected that nature intended the complete infusion. When the stem cell issue entered the picture, some medical professionals began to speak about the importance of allowing the the umbilical cord to complete infusing the baby with blood as it had important considerations.  The doctor outlines what may be the most important consideration, which is his belief that the loss of umblilical cord blood causes hypovolemia and is the cause of cerebal palsy and may contribute to other equally serious medical conditions of the infant. I was awed that this site was available and want to share it. Read and see what you think.