Fighting HIV With HIV

There are two sides to every coin though. The relative ease with which this has been done gives the researchers pause. “The genie is out of the bottle, so we might as well study these things in earnest.” The downsides are two-fold. First, the same technique could be used to enhance how lethal a virus is. Second, since this does not cure infection, the two viruses through mutation could in the long run result in a more dangerous pathogen. In the HIV case, this new mutation would likely be just as transmissable as the original therapy.

One thought on “Fighting HIV With HIV”

  1. .
    …the original article right, an HIV+ person who has been “treated” can pass along the new virus to his/her sex partners. The good side is that the partner is now “immunized” but the bad side is that it encourages unprotected sex and in effect, increases the range of the new HIV virus and the possibility of a deadly mutation.

    Fortunately, it looks like this therapy is being studied and isn’t available. But if this treatment does get out into the real world, it will be a plus for gay rights (no more HIV+/AIDS danger), a minus for condom manufacturers (no longer needed), and a nightmare for researchers who realize just how easy it is for cells to mutate. I’d expect a rash of babies and sexually transmitted diseases as well.

    The most horrific danger is going to be those researchers (or countries like China) who decide that it’s easier to implement this therapy to stop the HIV+/AIDS spread NOW — while hoping for scientific developments to cover their butts down the road if something goes wrong.


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