Invasion of Giant Aliens Observed From Space

Wondering why these deepwater animals unexpectedly made it to coastal waters is a matter of more than just scientific interest. Thousands of Chileans earn their livelihood from fishing in this part of the country, and these voracious cephalopods are known to prey on commercial fish including hake, sardines and anchovies. The squid themselves are a delicacy in some parts of the world but there is no local tradition of catching or consuming them.

But an explanation for the incursions was available – from 800 km away in space. Envisat’s Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) instrument works like a space-based thermometer, taking the temperature of land and sea as it orbits the Earth. It can measure sea surface temperature (SST) to an accuracy of 0.3 degrees centigrade at a spatial resolution of one square km.

A Chilean team is currently working with AATSR SST results in combination with ocean colour data from another Envisat instrument, the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS). The main goal of the project is to investigate the feasibility of a satellite-based early warning system for harmful phytoplankton blooms – explosive growths of sometimes toxic marine algae.

“The AATSR results show the appearance of the squid was connected with changes in the water mass conditions off the coast of Southern Chile in recent weeks,” says Dr Cristina Rodrguez-Benito of oceanography company Mariscope Chilena.

This part of the Chilean coast, like most western continental coasts, is subject to upwellings – cold, nutrient-rich waters rise from the oceans depths as prevailing winds blow warmer surface waters away. The phenomenon supports rich fisheries. But the AATSR data reveal that a coastal upwelling that typically influencing the waters between Chilo and the mainland was not seen in the last week of February.

“This caused an influx of warmer water, between 0.5 and 1.5 degrees, and also squid, which are attracted to steep temperature and salinity gradients in the sea where they find their food,” adds Rodrguez-Benito. “The squid ended up in a lens of cold water between warmer masses, and this carried them into the inner Gulf of Ancud area.

“The decrease in water temperature in the inner areas can also have a direct effect on aquaculture, because the metabolic systems of fish species are very sensitive to such changes. Envisat’s AATSR data registered a decrease of up to 3C.

“Even more important than temperature is the indication of the entrance of a water mass poor in oxygen that could be the reason for the losses already registered in some aquaculture sites.

“We are interested in such events as part of our main project because temperature gradients are often where new phytoplankton blooms occur. But the possibility of being able to predict these phenomena would be very useful also to the fishing industry.”

The team plans to present their experiences of using Envisat data in this way to a conference this month of the Chilean Civil Protection Organisation.

3 thoughts on “Invasion of Giant Aliens Observed From Space”

  1. I live in Chile (in Santiago, about 1000 km north of the region mentioned in the article), and I must say that once again this hasn’t made it into any national newspapers OR TV news shows. A quick check into the regional newspaper’s websites has come up empty as well.

    The state of science-related journalism around here is so poor, it’s pathetic. Most science news covered here are knock-offs of big news as covered by CNN or the like, two days later; many times the journalists don’t even get it right (once I heard one TV-journalist refer to a beached whale as a “giant fish”, I swear it). Whenever something interesting happens here, almost every time I get to find about it in foreign news services or even in Slashdot (!).

  2. Well if they don’t want it, can we get some exported? Nothing like calamari and eggs for breakfast ;)

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