Virus Writers Compete For Crown

Norman Data Defense Systems, specialists in the field of data security, today issued an alert against two new worms NetSky.D and E. These are the last in a series of worm incidents that currently spread at an alarming speed worldwide.

The following is a list of the most dangerous worms detected during the past seven days,


In addition to these worms,the fast spreading worms MyDoom.F (21/2) and Netsky.B (18/2) have emerged. Of these, Mydoom.F is very destructive with a high payload using backdoor techniques, providing denial of service attacks, and deletion of files.

 “We suspect that several virus authors – or factions of virus authors – are competing in creating the most successfully spreading worm. So far we see three different groups or persons, each responsible for their own worm family; NetSky, Bagle, and MyDoom. Text messages inside these worms points in this direction,” says Snorre Fagerland, senior virus analyst at Norman Data Defense Systems. It seems like they are accusing each other of stealing ideas and code, in an attempt to achieve the highest number of copies spread on the Internet as fast as possible.

Examples of such text messages are:

Text string from NetSky.C
<-<- we are the skynet – you can’t hide yourself! – we kill malware writers (they have no chance!) – [LaMeRz–>]MyDoom.F is a thief of our idea! – -< SkyNet AV vs. Malware >

Text string from NetSky.D
“be aware! – –>AntiHacker Crew<–”