Concentrated Physics Links Defy Entropy

If you’re not a physics geek, don’t worry if you don’t get the title. Digging through my eternal email backlog, I came across the following Physics Web stories that are just too good to randomize. Hey…this is the physics that matters!!!

Top Physics Stories of 2003…funding levels for future “big physics” projects…physicists attack the current cosmological model…doubting dark energy…muons continue to defy the g-2 parameter of the Standard Model…Peter Higgs and Pals win the Wolf for their weighty work on mass…flexible displays win Descartes Prize…making transistors with DNA…whipping up a batch of fermionic condensate…the colors in purest black…”seeing” X-rays from gamma bursts…you’re only four steps away from a genius…maybe some of them play a brilliant new game…