Technology Review Magazine List Of Upgrades

The current October issue has the current version of the now-annual TR100 List of “The 100 Bold Young Innovators You Need To Know.” Just click on some of these people’s links – every one is like their own SciScoop story. And there’s also another list of major interest only in the paper version: Bruce Sterling lists The 10 Technologies That Deserve To Die. Check it out.

2 thoughts on “Technology Review Magazine List Of Upgrades”

  1. I hear you’ve never met a Mexican restaurant that wasn’t your favorite.

    I didn’t ace map reading, but I believe you’d have hordes of readers wandering around the Madison County Public Library looking for burritos. Either there or the Wellness Center. :-)

    Trust me. The Wellness Center does not serve white cheese dip with rowing machine.

  2. Folks, the map is wrong. Guadalahara is farther south down on Memorial Parkway. Just past Lowes, behind the Arby’s.

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