
“The good news is: you’re healthy now. You haven’t awakened into a post-holocaust world or into an energy-deficient society whose members want revenge on people from the past. You aren’t considered a dead man, good only for organ harvesting. Neither have you been cloned. Global warming didn’t have any hideous effect. Planet-wide pollution is still a problem, but nothing out of control. There have been no major world-wide wars. Apes haven’t led a successful rebellion against man. We haven’t found any alien life forms yet (much less been conquered by them). We still haven’t colonized other worlds. Artificial Intelligence still sucks, so we don’t have any robots. The global economy hasn’t suffered any collapses. There have been no major changes in our society, so you won’t be an instant outcast. We still use the same calendar and speak the same language, although there are a few new words you’ll need to know about. In fact, other than some pop culture references, you won’t find this world very different from yours. The savings in your bank account are more than enough to pay our hospital’s bill and finance a healthy wage. Just one more thing: if someone asks you wether you prefer Coke or Pepsi, do me a favor and refuse to answer."

3 thoughts on “Awakening”

  1. Okay, I don’t get it. Can someone please explain what is so special about this Coke/Pepsi punchline? Perhaps there is some television commerical I’ve missed?

  2. Well, I thought of one possible reason. If coca cola and pespi either A) no longer exist or B) Started selling certian socially unacceptable products, "coke" and "pepsi" could be euphemisms for drugs or some other product that the poor guy from the past wouldn’t want and wouldn’t want to get involved with. If someone asks you , "camel or marlboro?" you wouldn’t want to respond unless you smoke. That is my take on it.

  3. Thanks for asking, Chad…. I didn’t either.
    Intriguing premise, suspenseful build-up… and then, HUH? I figured the “Coke or Pepsi” line must be an inside technology joke.

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