Video Games Obsession

Wayne endeavors to put paid to the myth that video games are bad and the ensuing discussion on his blog takes us on a whirlwind tour of opinions for and against and indifferent.

Personally, I don’t think any are particularly contrary or controersial. However, the most recent comment from “Lisa” claims that any other activity pursued with such zest would be labeled an obsession.

However, I think all these kinds of discussion miss one important point. Boys (and some girls) are obsessive. It’s in their nature, whether it’s obsessing about cars and flying (my son), football (his best friend), guitar (me), stamp collecting, trainspotting, religion, sport, food, booze, smoking, drugs, work, money…sex.

I think that’s what it almost always boils down to. Sex. We evolved to obsess as it seems to be a good way to become expert in a niche and that generally meant our hunter-gatherer-scavenger ancestors were able to create an environment conducive to finding a mate, keeping a mate, and mating. After all, it’s our genes that drive our instincts whether we like it or not and the rise of the ubergeek in recent years is going to see a boom of babies as these boys discover what it is their obsession is really all about.

These are just my off-the-cuff thoughts, you can read Wayne’s original post here: Video games are bad for kids?