Physics Quickies For Your Saturday Afternoon Delight

It’s a beautiful spring day in Huntsville, Alabama and even I must duck away from this computer screen and get some fresh air. I’ve accumulated a few somewhat offbeat / obscure stories over the week that I keep saying “I’ll write about THAT” and I just haven’t, so I’m just gonna list ’em here. Science quickies, so to speak. Manish Chhowalla has discovered onions in space. Eshel Ben-Jacob is growing brains under glass. Ho, hum, another day, another planet discovered, another Mars picture, another North Pole. Out in New Mexico, 700 people have worked overtime to rediscover the semi-lost art of making pits. And remember how you thought US Government scientists mucking around deep, deep, deep in the Earth with forces they were never meant to understand was some silly science fiction movie? Ha! Behold The MINOS Project!