The Logical Explanation

 Has it ever occurred to anyone that the earth was much smaller in diameter and size but many times greater in density.  I would say roughly 2/3 the size it is today.  That would mean that the earths land masses would be much older than the ocean basins.  It would seem logical that during its formation, the earth was the target of millions of ice crystals or small planets if you will, some other cosmic anomalie that was composed of ice.  Being molten at this point in time and the crust as we know today had not been formed or only slightly formed with frequent and enormous volcanic activity.  The reaction with the ice introduced into this ancient environment would have been catyclismic in nature and the mostly molten rock would have exploded, therefore decreasing its density while increasing its mass by many times.  The water vapor would then be forced into the ancient atmosphere, but held by the earths gravity.

 The earth at this point would have grown in size over time due to the cooling of molten rock and its expansion.  The oceans that we know today were once cracks and fissures in the ancient earths crust and over millions of years of the above process, widened and began to be more stable as bodies of water or collection points for water.  Life on this planet started at this point.  Being composed of microbes trapped in the ice crystals, they evolved into many creatures and in time, man.

 The present day earthquakes and volcanoes are but a shadow of the earths violent past.  The Pacific and Atlantic volcanic islands are a perfect example of this thoery.  They rise up thousands of feet in order to break the surface of the present day ocean.  In doing so, they increase their mass by many square miles of material.  To sum this all up, there was no "super continent" that drifted over the face of the earth, only the expansion and diffusion of molten rock which over millions of years greatly increased the surface area of the earth.  Creating great rifts and valleys that eventually filled with water.  Treat this explanation how you will, but it is much more plausible and logical than the drifting continent theory.  Now you have something to investigate and prove.

 There have been polar caps found on Mars.  It would be interesting to know whether they are devoid of life or if there are in fact microbes or organisms existing there.

 My email addy is if you wish to contact me.

note added by rickyjames: I added paragraph breaks and links to this submission, just to make it more approachable. The original AH words remain unchanged. Note that the links I’ve added represent the conventional wisdom on the topics listed and may or may not support the train of thought being expressed at that point by Anonymous Hero. The essence of science is individuals having doubts about conventional explanations of things, proposing alternatives, then seeing if the proposed alternative better fits the facts at hand. Right or wrong, Anonymous Hero devoting some serious thought to these issues and writing it up for others to see here is a great thing; thanks for the posting. Discussion?